Wednesday, June 9, 2010

T-Minus 48 Hours until OMGcon!!!!!!

We can't wait to see you all out at this weekend's OMGcon. In it's fifth year, Paducah's annual anime and gaming convention is set to be even bigger! Members from many chapters, including the Sic City Ogres, Soil Ogres, Derby City Ogres, Saluki City Ogres, and many more including us (your very own hometown Quilt City Ogres), will be in attendance. In addition to that, our chapter had the privilege to create the schedule for the tabletop room for this year. Click here to check it out!
Anyways, we'll be filming for our youtube as always, especially during our RPG Myths, Lies, & Misconceptions panel. See you there!

Ogres Out

1 comment:

  1. What is Larping ?
    Larping is an acronym for “Live Action Role Play” this skill is often times portrayed by many actress/actors. Larping is when a person act’s within a role of a character in which they are pretending, how to larp
